Privacy Notice

MANNGA website serves as a medium through which the MANNGA project showcases the MANNGA activities and is part of the communications activities required to achieve the impact of the MANNGA project. In order to achieve these purposes, the website collects personal data that relates to the visitors of the website.

Aalto University is responsible for the execution and upkeep of the website and the designated contact point for data subjects concerning the use of personal data the MANNGA website. MANNGA Consortium coordinator Aalto University and following members of the consortium - Verein zur Förderung von Innovationen durch Forschung, Entwicklung und Technologietransfer e. V., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Qu&Co and University of Exeter - are controllers for personal data that visitors of the website provide when they visit the website. The MANNGA project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement 101070347.

MANNGA Consortium is committed to complying with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and applicable national legislation in the processing of your personal data. The means and purposes of processing your personal data are described in further detail in this privacy notice. This privacy notice is subject to change. This privacy notice will be updated when changes are implemented. You will always find the up-to-date version of this privacy notice on this website.

This Privacy Notice covers the following areas:

  1. Why does MANNGA website process personal data?
  2. What personal data do we process?
  3. Sources of information
  4. Lawful basis for processing
  5. Processing of personal data by third parties
  6. International transfers of personal data
  7. Retention period
  8. Your rights
  9. Contact information

1. Why do we process personal data?

MANNGA project collects and processes certain personal data in order to

  • enable you to use the website;
  • maintain and develop the website;
  • enhance or improve your experience of the website by collecting details of your visit through cookies;
  • enable communication;
  • monitor the number of visitors as part of the evaluation of dissemination impact, as the funder requires monitoring the impact of the dissemination work.

In addition, we will also process personal data for the purposes of data security and to prevent and resolve possible misconduct.

2. What personal data is processed?

The personal data that MANNGA website collects: the IP address of the visitor, the browser used and the pages opened (page request) are stored in the logs of the web server (nginx).

3. Sources of information

Personal data is collected from the visitors themselves during their visits on our website.

4. Lawful Basis for Processing

Legitimate interest to maintain and develop the website and to communicate the activities of the MANNGA project as required for the impact of the MANNGA project is the legal basis for processing.

Legitimate interest is the legal basis for:

  • personal data processed for communications purposes
  • information collected through observing use of website
  • processing of personal data for the purposes of data security and to prevent and resolve possible misconduct

5. Processing of information by third parties

MANNGA project discloses personal data to:

I) Service providers

In the maintenance of its website and in its service provision, we may use service providers to process data for the purposes detailed in this data protection policy.

II) Statutory reasons

We may disclose your personal data to third parties if access to personal data or other processing of personal data is required to i) fulfill statutory responsibilities or a court order; ii) detecting, preventing or handling misuses, security risks or technical issues.

6. International transfers of personal data

The server on which the MANNGA website is operated is located in the EU. We strive to carry out all services related to our website using operators and services located within the EU or the EEA. In some cases, however, services related to the use of our website may also be carried out by operators and on servers located in third countries. In such cases, your personal data may also be transferred outside the EU or EEA in accordance with applicable legislation.

7. Retention period

Personal data will be retained for the period of validity of the legal basis for processing and for as long as necessary for the processing purposes mentioned in this privacy notice.

The information of website visitors is retained for as long as MANNGA projects legitimate interests can reasonably be deemed valid. We determine the validity of our legitimate interest by, for example, your use of our website as well as the communication between us.

8. Your rights as MANNGA website visitor

The General Data Protection Regulation grants the data subject a number of rights with which the data subject can govern the processing of their personal data. The data subject may use the following rights in relation to use of personal data in the MANNGA website.

Right of access and right to rectification

You have the right to receive confirmation on whether we process personal data relating to you and the right to access any such personal data. We may ask you to specify your request where necessary, for example with regard to the details of the provision of information.

In addition, you have the right to request the rectification of incorrect personal data relating to you, or to supplement incomplete personal data that we are  processing.

Right to data erasure

You have the right to request erasure of your personal data related to your website use.  We will comply with your request, provided that there is no legitimate reason to retain the data, such as a statutory obligation to continue processing the personal data. Personal data may not be deleted instantly from backup copies and other such data systems, but will be deleted through regular database retention practices.

Right to object

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data related to your website use, if your personal data is processed for other purposes than the fulfillment of legal responsibilities or the provision of services.

Right to restriction of processing

If you contest the correctness of the data which we have registered about you or the lawfulness of processing, or if you have objected to the processing of the data in accordance with your right to object, you may request us to restrict the processing of these data to only storage. The processing will only be restricted to storage, until the correctness of the data can be established, or until it is assured that our legitimate interests override your interests.

If you are not entitled to erasure of the data which we have registered about you, you may instead request that we restrict the processing of these data to only storage. If the processing of the data which we have registered about you is solely necessary to assert a legal claim, you may also demand that other processing of these data be restricted to storage. We may process your data for other purposes if this is necessary to assert a legal claim.

9. Contact information

You can ask questions concerning the use of your personal data on this website and use your rights by contacting Aalto as the MANNGA Consortium's designated contact point for the use of personal data on this website.

Contact person:

Aalto University Foundation sr
Otakaari 1, Espoo 02150, Finland
Contact person: Katariina Malmberg, katariina.malmberg at

Regarding eventual questions or demands relating to the processing of personal data, please contact Aalto Data Protection Officer, Ms. Anni Tuomela:

anni.tuomela at
Phone number: +358 (9) 47001